"Xiaobo Guard" Privacy Policy

Revision date: December 14, 2023

Effective date: December 14, 2023

"Xiaobo Guard" is a software product provided by Huizhou Boshijie Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "BSJ" or "us"). BSJ attaches great importance to user privacy protection. This Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as "this Policy") aims to explain how "Xiaobo Guard" will collect, use, save, disclose, and protect your personal information. When using an email account and verification code to register/log in to "Xiaobo Guard", you need to click to agree to this Policy. Please carefully read and understand this Privacy Policy, After confirming full understanding and agreement, use our products or services, especially those that involve your significant rights and interests, including clauses that exempt or limit BSJ liability, clauses that restrict user rights, clauses that agree on dispute resolution methods and judicial jurisdiction, etc. The aforementioned terms may be highlighted in bold, underlined, or other forms to remind you to pay special attention. If you cannot accept all the terms of this policy, please do not register or use this service. Your registration, login, use, and other actions will be deemed as acceptance of this policy, and you can click to agree to be bound by the terms of this policy before proceeding with the login operation. It should be noted that this policy does not apply to products or services provided to you by other third parties.

This agreement may be updated by BSJ at any time, and once the updated terms are published, they will replace the original terms without further notice. If you do not agree to the modified terms, you may abandon the use of this service. However, if you continue to use this service after the modification of this agreement, it shall be deemed that you have accepted the modified agreement.

This policy will help you understand the following content:

1、 How do we collect your personal information

2、 How do we use Session token and similar technologies

3、 How do we use your personal information

4、 How do we store and protect your personal information

5、 How do we share, transfer, and publicly disclose your personal information

6、 Your right to manage personal information

7、 Personal information protection for minors

8、 How to transfer your personal information globally

9、 Revision and update of this policy

10、 How to contact us

11、 Language

12、 Supplementary Provisions - Appendix to Specific Jurisdictions

1、 How do we collect your personal information

1. The information you voluntarily provided to us

Personal information: When you register/log in to "Xiaobo Guard", we may collect your authorized login email account/verification code.

2. Information generated from use

(1) Device Information: When you interact with our intelligent mobile video terminal, we may automatically collect device information, such as the device's SN number, base station information, application version number, push notification identifier, log file, and mobile network information.

(2) Usage Information: During your interaction with our website and services, we may automatically collect usage information related to accessing, clicking, downloading, sending/receiving messages, and other usage of our website and services. If you are using the "Xiaobo Guard" device connection, wireless landline or cloud photo album function or service, we may access your camera/microphone/read/write file, external storage operation permissions. If you refuse relevant system permissions, you will not be able to use the corresponding functions.

(3) Log information: When using "Xiaobo Guard", system and exception logs may be uploaded. We rely on these log information to provide you with services and ensure the safe operation of your intelligent mobile video terminal. If you refuse to provide them, we will be unable to provide you with services.

(4) ICCID and traffic information: When you use "Xiaobo Guard" to view video images, there may be SIM card traffic fees and alarm event cloud storage fees. You can proactively check your SIM card traffic usage with the carrier, but we will not proactively check your SIM card traffic information with the carrier. To determine whether your SIM card status is normal and whether renewal is needed, we recommend that you check regularly, So that you can know in a timely manner whether the device is using a SIM card and the details of SIM card traffic. During your inquiry process, we will collect and store your SIM card and ICCID and transmit them to the operator, but we will not obtain or store your traffic information.

2、How do we use Session token and similar technologies

To provide you with a more relaxed access experience, we may collect and store relevant data on your access to services through various technologies. When you visit or revisit, we can identify your identity and provide you with better and more services by analyzing the data. This includes using small data files to identify your identity, in order to understand your usage habits, save you the step of repeatedly entering account information, or help determine your login status and account security. These data files may be Session tokens, or other local storage provided by your associated application (collectively referred to as "Session tokens").

We will not use the Session token for any purpose other than those stated in this privacy policy. Use a Session token in identity authentication, which serves as a unique identity identifier in interactive sessions and is used by users to log in to the system. Your login status will be saved for 30 days. After exceeding the time limit, you will need to re-enter your account information when logging in.

3、How do we use your personal information

(1) We will use your personal information according to the following rules:

1. We will use the corresponding product and/or service functions in accordance with the provisions of this policy.

2. We may integrate and use your personal information and/or other information related to the use of your services or products that we have lawfully obtained (hereinafter referred to as "other information") to prevent, detect, investigate fraud, infringement, endangerment of security, illegality, or violation of agreements with us or our affiliated companies.

3. We may process or combine your personal information with other information for the purpose of maintaining, improving, optimizing our products and/or services, and enhancing user experience.

4. When you access third-party services through this service, we will share personal information within your authorized scope with third-party service providers based on your authorization.

5. Other uses authorized by you.

(2) Please note that all personal information you provide or authorize us to collect when using this service will continue to be authorized to us for use during your use of our products and/or services, unless you delete it, refuse our collection through account settings or system settings. When you cancel your account, we will stop using and delete or anonymize your personal information, except as otherwise provided by laws and regulations.

(3) When we display you and the personal information you provide, we will use methods such as content replacement and anonymous processing to desensitize your information to protect its security.

(4) Please understand that the functions and services we provide to you are constantly updated and developed. If new functions or services require the collection and use of your personal information, we will inform you of the type, scope, purpose, and usage rules of information collection through page prompts, interaction processes, website announcements, and other means, and obtain your explicit consent.

(5) We would like to remind you that if your personal identity cannot be identified solely or in combination with other information, it does not constitute your personal information in the legal sense; When your information can be individually or in combination with other information to identify your personal identity, or when we combine data that cannot be linked to any specific personal information with other personal information, this information will be treated and protected as your personal information in accordance with this policy during the combined use period.

(6) You are fully aware that in the following situations, we do not need to obtain your authorization and consent to collect and use personal information:

1. Directly related to national security and national defense security;

2. Directly related to public safety, public health, and major public interests;

3. Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, and enforcement of judgments;

4. For the purpose of protecting the significant legitimate rights and interests of personal information subjects or other individuals, such as life and property, but it is difficult to obtain my consent;

5. The collected personal information is publicly disclosed by the individual information subject to the public;

6. Collect your personal information from legally disclosed information, such as legitimate news reports, government information disclosure, and other channels;

7. Necessary for signing the contract according to your requirements;

8. Necessary for maintaining the safe and stable operation of the provided products and/or services, such as discovering and dealing with faults in the products and/or services;

9. Necessary for legitimate news reporting;

10. When academic research institutions conduct statistical or academic research based on the public interest and provide academic research or descriptive results to the public, they de identify the personal information contained in the results;

11. Other situations stipulated by laws and regulations.

4、How do we store and protect your personal information

(1) Storage of your personal information

1. All personal data we collect about you is stored on secure servers in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and is protected in controlled facilities. We classify your information based on its importance and sensitivity, and ensure that your personal information has the corresponding security level. Similarly, we have dedicated access control measures for cloud based data storage, and we regularly review information collection, storage, and processing practices, including physical security measures, to prevent any unauthorized access and use.

2. During your use of our products or services, we will continue to save your personal information. After exceeding the retention period, we will delete your personal information or anonymize it in accordance with applicable laws. If you unbind the device or voluntarily clear data, we will handle it in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

3. Termination of Operations: In the event of termination of operations, we will notify you at least 30 days in advance and process your personal information in accordance with legal requirements after termination of operations.

(2) Protection measures for your personal information

1. We will make every reasonable effort to protect the personal information obtained from you: In order to prevent users from accessing, copying, modifying, transmitting, losing, damaging, processing or using their personal information illegally or without authorization, we have taken and will continue to take the following measures to protect your personal information:

1) Our network services adopt encryption technologies such as transmission security protocols, and provide browsing services through HTTPS and other means to ensure the security of user data during transmission.

2) By adopting encryption technology to encrypt and save user personal information, and isolating it through isolation technology.

3) Establish strict data usage and access regulations, adopt strict data access control and multiple identity authentication technologies to protect personal information and prevent data from being used in violation of regulations. We only allow authorized personnel to access personal information and require them to fulfill corresponding confidentiality obligations.

4) Strengthen safety awareness. We hold security and privacy protection training courses to enhance employees' awareness of the importance of protecting personal information.

2. Special reminder:

2.1 Despite taking the above reasonable and effective measures and complying with the standards required by relevant laws and regulations, we still cannot guarantee the security of your personal information when communicated through insecure channels. Therefore, you should take proactive measures to ensure the security of personal information.

There is always a risk of various information leaks in the network environment when unexpected events occur. When your information is leaked due to force majeure or other circumstances, we will do our best to control the situation and promptly inform you of the cause of the incident, the security measures we have taken, and the security measures you can take proactively. But we cannot bear responsibility for the losses caused to you by unexpected events, force majeure, and other circumstances. You understand and agree with this. We will also promptly inform you of the relevant situation of the event through email, phone, push notifications, and other means. If it is difficult to inform the personal information subject one by one, we will take reasonable and effective measures to publish an announcement. Meanwhile, we will report to the relevant regulatory authorities in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations.

5、How do we share, transfer, and publicly disclose your personal information

(1) Sharing

1. We will not share your personal information with any company, organization, or individual outside of BSJ unless you have given prior consent or comply with other laws and regulations. Except for the following situations:

1) Has obtained explicit authorization or consent from you or your guardian;

2) What judicial or administrative authorities require us to disclose based on legal procedures;

3) When BSJ files a lawsuit or arbitration against users to protect its legitimate rights and interests;

4) According to the relevant service agreements and usage rules between you and BSJ;

5) Within the scope permitted by laws and regulations, in order to protect BSJ and its affiliates, BSJ users, and the public interest from harm;

6) Meet the relevant agreements between you and other third parties;

7) Used based on academic research.

(2) Transfer

We will not transfer your personal information to any company, organization, or individual, except in the following circumstances:

1. Transfer with explicit consent: After obtaining your explicit consent, we will transfer your personal information to other parties;

2. When it comes to mergers, acquisitions, or bankruptcy liquidation, if it involves the transfer of personal information, we will require the new company or organization that holds your personal information to continue to be bound by this privacy policy. Otherwise, we will require the company or organization to seek your authorization and consent again.

(3) Public disclosure

We will only publicly disclose your personal information in the following circumstances:

1. After obtaining your explicit consent;

2. Legal disclosure: We may publicly disclose your personal information in legal, procedural, litigation, or mandatory requirements from government authorities.

6、 Your right to manage personal information

You have the right to manage your personal information, including querying, correcting, and deleting your personal information, changing the scope of your authorization or revoking authorization, and unbinding your device and clearing the relevant data generated by the device. You agree that before you carry out any relevant operations, we may require you to conduct identity verification to confirm the identity of the visitor and ensure the security of your information.

(1) To access or correct your personal information:

You have the right to access your personal information, except in exceptional circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations. In addition to the personal information listed above, we are unable to provide you with access and correction services for some of your personal information. This information is mainly collected to improve your user experience and ensure transaction security, as well as personal information necessary to ensure the normal operation of the business functions you have chosen. The above information will be used within your authorized scope, and you cannot access or correct it. However, you can contact us to delete or anonymize it.

(2) Delete your personal information

Some of your information can be directly deleted by you, and the actual display on the service page shall prevail.

In the following situations, you can request us to delete personal information:

(1) If our handling of personal information violates laws and regulations:

(2) If we collect and use your personal information without your consent;

(3) If our handling of personal information violates our agreement with you;

(4) If you cancel your account;

(5) If we terminate our services and operations.

If we decide to respond to your deletion request, we will also notify the entities that have obtained your personal information from us and require them to delete it in a timely manner, unless otherwise provided by laws and regulations or with your independent authorization.

When you delete information from our service, we may not immediately delete the corresponding information in the backup system, but we will delete this information during backup updates.

(3) Change the scope of your authorization or withdraw your authorization

You can change the scope of your authorization for us to continue collecting personal information or revoke your authorization by deleting information, modifying device settings, modifying permissions, and other means. You can also revoke our full authorization to continue collecting your personal information by canceling your account.

Please understand that each business function requires some basic personal information to be completed. When you withdraw your consent or authorization, we cannot continue to provide you with the services corresponding to the withdrawal of consent or authorization, nor will we process your corresponding personal information. But your decision to withdraw your consent or authorization will not affect the personal information processing previously carried out based on your authorization.

(4) Device unbinding

You can unbind the bound BSJ intelligent mobile video terminal at any time. When you unbind the camera device, we will unbind your account with the corresponding camera.

(5) In response to your above request

If you are unable to access, correct, or delete your personal information through the above methods, or if you need to access, correct, or delete other personal information generated by your use of "Xiaobo Guard", or if you believe that BSJ has any violations of laws and regulations or agreements with you regarding the collection or use of personal information, you can send an email to【 chentianxi@bsjkj.com 】Or contact us through other means below this policy. For security reasons, we may require you to provide a written request or other means of verifying your identity. We will respond to your request within 15 working days after receiving your feedback and verifying your identity.

In the following situations, according to legal requirements, we will not be able to respond to your request;

1) Related to national security and national defense security;

2) Related to public safety, public health, and major public interests;

3) Related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, and enforcement of judgments;

4) There is sufficient evidence to indicate that you have subjective malice or abuse of power;

5) Responding to your request will result in serious damage to the legitimate rights and interests of you or other individuals or organizations;

6) Involving trade secrets.

7、 Personal information protection for minors

1. We attach great importance to the protection of personal information of minors. If you are a minor under the age of 18, you should obtain written consent from your parents or legal guardian before using our products and/or services. We protect the personal information of minors in accordance with relevant national laws and regulations.

2. For the collection of personal information of minors with the consent of parents or legal guardians, we will only use or publicly disclose this information when permitted by law, explicitly agreed upon by parents or legal guardians, or necessary to protect minors.

3. If we find ourselves collecting personal information of minors without obtaining verifiable consent from parents or legal guardians in advance, we will try to delete the relevant data as soon as possible.

8、 How to transfer your personal information globally

1. If you log in or operate platform functions outside of the People's Republic of China, as our security server is deployed in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, this means that your personal information may be transferred from your current country/region to a destination outside of your country/region.

2. To provide you with a better user experience and improve service quality, we may collaborate with third parties to provide you with relevant services, as detailed in the "Xiaobo Guard" Third Party Service List. Therefore, your information may also be transmitted to other countries or regions. The jurisdictions in which these global facilities are located may not protect personal information according to the same standards as your jurisdiction, and there may be different risks under different data protection laws. Therefore, we suggest that you take the time to read the privacy policy of this third party. We will not change our commitment to comply with this privacy policy and protect your personal information as a result. If you have any objections to this, you can send an email【 chentianxi@bsjkj.com 】Contact our data protection officer.

9、 Revision and update of this policy

We may make timely changes to this policy. Without your explicit consent, we will not reduce your rights under this policy. We will post any changes made to this policy on this page.

For major changes, we will notify you through push notifications, pop ups, and other forms.

The significant changes referred to in this policy include but are not limited to:

1. Our service model has undergone significant changes. Such as the purpose of processing personal information, the type of personal information being processed, and the way personal information is used;

2. We have undergone significant changes in ownership structure, organizational structure, and other aspects. Changes in ownership caused by business adjustments, bankruptcy mergers and acquisitions, etc;

3. The main objects of personal information sharing, transfer, or public disclosure have changed;

4. Your rights and forms of participation in personal information processing have undergone significant changes;

5. When there are changes in the department responsible for handling personal information security, contact information, and complaint channels;

6. When the personal information security impact assessment report indicates a high risk.

10、 How to contact us

You can contact us through the following methods, and we will reply to your request within 15 working days. Please call customer service at 0752-2616520 to contact us.

This agreement is signed in Huizhou City, People's Republic of China.

The effectiveness, performance, interpretation, and dispute resolution of this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China (excluding Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan) for all disputes, claims, or other matters arising from or related to your use of the platform or services. All disputes arising between you and us or the platform should be resolved through friendly consultation. If consultation fails, either party may submit the dispute to the Huizhou Arbitration Commission for arbitration.

If the user violates any provision of this agreement, BSJ has the right to demand that the user bear the liability for breach of contract, including but not limited to legal fees, litigation costs, travel and transportation expenses, preservation fees, etc., all of which shall be borne by the user.

11、 Language

Unless otherwise provided by law, in the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between the English version of this Privacy Policy and the local language, the English version shall prevail.

12、Supplementary Provisions--Directory of Specific Jurisdictions

If you are a user in Australia, Brazil, California, Canada, Hong Kong SAR, India, Indonesia, Japan, Macao SAR, Malaysia, Mexico, the Philippines, Russia, Serbia, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, China, Thailand, Türkiye, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, Vietnam or the EU exclusive economic zone, In addition to the terms specified in our Privacy Policy, the terms listed below in your jurisdiction also apply to you.

1. Australia

This section applies to users located in Australia:

(1) Access rights. You have the right to access the personal information we hold about you, how we use this information, and with whom we share this information. You can log in to your account to access the personal information you have provided for your account. If you believe that we hold any other personal information of you, please do so through【 chentianxi@bsjkj.com 】Contact us.

(2) Correction rights. You have the right to correct any inaccurate personal information we hold about you. You can log in to your account to access the personal information we hold about you. If you believe that we hold any other personal information of you that is inaccurate, please contact us via【 chentianxi@bsjkj.com 】Contact us.

(3) Children. If you are under 18 years old, you promise to obtain the consent of your parents or legal guardians to register an account and use "Xiaobo Guard" in this service.

(4) Your rights. You can request access or correction of your personal information or file a privacy complaint involving your personal information.

2. Brazil

This section applies to users located in Brazil:

(1) Withdrawal of consent. Whenever we use your personal information with your consent, subject to contractual or legal limitations, you may revoke your previous consent to collect, use, and disclose personal information. To withdraw this consent, you may terminate your account or contact【 chentianxi@bsjkj.com 】. Therefore, this may prevent us from providing you with the "Xiaobo Guard" feature.

(2) Parents and guardians agree. If you are under 18 years old, you should not use "Xiaobo Guard" for any purpose (including for them and on your behalf) without obtaining the consent of your parents/guardians in advance regarding this Privacy Policy. Without the above consent, we will not intentionally collect any personal information of children under the age of 18. If you believe that we hold any personal information of children under 18 years old without the consent of parents/guardians, please contact our data protection officer and we will immediately investigate (and delete) such personal information.

3. California

This section applies to California residents covered by the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 ("CCPA").

(1) CCPA provides California residents with certain legal rights, such as accessing, deleting, disclosing, or "prohibiting the sale" of information. These rights are not absolute and there may be certain exceptions.

(2) How to exercise your rights. Firstly, you may want to log in to your account and manage your data there. If you are a California resident applicable to CCPA, you can contact【 chentianxi@bsjkj.com 】Exercise your rights over other data (if any).

(3) According to CCPA, you can use【 chentianxi@bsjkj.com 】Contact us to exercise these rights on your own, or designate an authorized agent to make these requests on your behalf. For requests made by authorized agents, we may require you to directly verify your identity with us and confirm with us that you have provided permission for the authorized agent to submit the request.

4. Canada

By clicking "Accept", you agree to transfer your information cross-border to any country/region where we have databases or branches. You can use【 chentianxi@bsjkj.com 】Contact our designated data protection officer.

(1) Withdrawal of consent. If you have previously agreed to our collection, use, and disclosure of your personal information, you may withdraw your consent to us, subject to contractual or legal limitations. To withdraw this consent, you may terminate your account or contact【 chentianxi@bsjkj.com 】. This may prevent us from providing you with "Xiaobo Guard".

(2) Access rights. You have the right to access the personal information we hold about you, to know how we use this information, and to whom we disclose this information. You can log in to your account or contact【 chentianxi@bsjkj.com 】Make a written request to access your personal information. We can request further information to verify your identity, which will only be used for that purpose.

(3) Correction rights. You have the right to correct any inaccurate personal information we hold about you. You can log in to your account and access your personal information. If you believe that we hold any other personal information of you that is inaccurate, please contact us via【 chentianxi@bsjkj.com 】Contact us.

5. Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

(1) If you choose not to provide personal information, you may not be able to use "Xiaobo Guard" properly.

(2) As a data subject in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, you have legal rights to our possession of your personal information (within the scope permitted by applicable laws and regulations).

(3) You have the right to make data subject access requests (to obtain copies of our processing of your data). You may also exercise the right to correct data.

6. India

(1) Sensitive personal information. "Sensitive personal information" refers to passwords, financial information (such as detailed data on bank accounts, credit cards, debit cards, or other payment instructions), biometric data, data related to physical and mental health, sexual activity or orientation, and/or medical records or medical records, and similar data, but does not include data that can be obtained in the public domain or provided under Indian law (including the 2005 Right to Information Act).

(2) Share your sensitive personal information. In the circumstances described in this Privacy Policy, if we allow any third party to collect and use your sensitive personal information, we will (i) ensure that such third party adopts the same security standards as ours to protect your sensitive personal information, and (ii) take reasonable measures to ensure that such third party will not further disclose sensitive personal information.

(3) Correct your personal information and withdraw your consent. If you believe that we hold any other personal information about you or your children that is inaccurate, or if you question our processing, transmission methods, or request to terminate the use of your personal information, please do so through【 chentianxi@bsjkj.com 】Contact us.

(4) You have no right to retrospectively withdraw your consent or request the deletion of content recorded for legal purposes, but you may withdraw your consent for further processing of your or your child's personal information.

(5) Security measures for personal information. According to applicable data privacy laws and regulations in India, we will take appropriate and reasonable technical and organizational measures to prevent loss, damage, or unauthorized access to or processing of your sensitive personal information.

(6) Age limit. Children under the age of 18 who wish to use our services must obtain parental consent. If the user is a child, their parents understand and confirm that we only collect, store, and process personal information shared with us for the legitimate purposes specified in this Privacy Policy, and only when necessary to provide services.

7. Indonesia

(1) Agree. By accepting and agreeing to this Privacy Policy, you agree that we will collect, use, and share your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy (as amended from time to time). If you do not agree with this Privacy Policy, you are not allowed to access or use our services, and we have the right to prohibit you from accessing "Xiaobo Guard".

(2) Information accuracy. You are responsible for ensuring the accuracy and timely updating of any personal information you provide us. To ensure the accuracy of the information, we may also verify the information you provide at any time.

(3) Parents and guardians agree. If you are under 21 years old, you promise to obtain the consent of your parents or legal guardians to register an account and use "Xiaobo Guard" in this service.

(4) Rights of data subjects. You have the right to access, update, correct, and request the removal of personal information stored on "Xiaobo Guard" from time to time in accordance with applicable data privacy laws and regulations in Indonesia.

(5) Data leakage. If we are unable to keep your personal information confidential, we will notify you through the contact information you provide in accordance with local laws and regulations.

(6) Data retention. We will retain your personal information in accordance with legal requirements.

(7) Notice of Revision of this Privacy Policy. If we revise this Privacy Policy, we will publish the updated Privacy Policy through this link.

(8) Data accuracy and third-party agreement. It is your responsibility to ensure that any personal details provided to us are accurate, accurate, and up-to-date. To confirm the accuracy of the information, we can also verify the information you provide to us at any time. You hereby declare that you have obtained all necessary consent before providing us with any personal information of others; In this case, we will always assume that you have obtained prior consent, and therefore, if either party makes any claim without such consent, you will be responsible for such claim.

8. Japan

(1) Agree. By clicking "Accept", you agree to transfer your information cross-border to any country/region where we have databases or affiliated companies, or any country/region where our service provider is located.

(2) Your rights. According to the provisions of the Japan Personal Information Protection Act, you may request us to notify you of the purposes for which you use, disclose, correct, suspend use or provide, and/or delete any and all personal information related to you that we store. If you need to make this request, please do so through【 chentianxi@bsjkj.com 】Contact us.

9. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

You agree to collect, use, disclose, export, and store your personal information in accordance with the provisions of this Privacy Policy.

10. Macau SAR

You have the right not to provide your personal information. But if we do this, we may not be able to provide you with services. As a data subject in the Macau Special Administrative Region, you have legal rights to personal information related to you (within the scope permitted by applicable laws and regulations). You have the right to make data subject access requests to request copies of your data that we process, as well as to make data correction requests, and have the right to oppose the use of your personal information for marketing or any other form of commercial promotion purposes, or to oppose the use of your personal information for any personal reasons.

11. Malaysia

(1) Parents and guardians agree. If you agree to this Privacy Policy for minors (individuals under the age of 18) to access and use, you hereby agree to provide personal information of minors in accordance with this Privacy Policy, and you personally accept and agree to comply with the terms of this Privacy Policy. In addition, you hereby agree to take responsibility for the actions of the minor and their compliance with this Privacy Policy.

(2) Rights of data subjects. Access Rights: You have the right to request access and access to copies of your personal information that we have collected and are processing by us or our representatives. When processing data access requests, we can request certain information from the requester to verify their identity, ensuring that they have the legal right to make data access requests. We will comply with data access requests within the time frame stipulated by Malaysia's data protection laws. Correction Right: You may request correction of your personal information. When processing data correction requests, we can request certain information from the requester to verify their identity, ensuring that they have the legal right to make data correction requests.

Restrict the right to process personal information: You may request restrictions on the processing of your personal information by using the detailed contact information provided in this Privacy Policy. However, this may prevent us from providing services to you.

(3) Contact information. To protect your personal information and handle complaints related to your personal information, we have appointed a data protection officer responsible for the management and security of personal information. You can access this information through【 chentianxi@bsjkj.com 】Contact them.

12. Mexico

(1) Purpose of processing. Some of the processing purposes described in this Privacy Policy are voluntary.

(2) Data transmission consent. We need your consent to proceed with the following data transfer. For details, please refer to the "Who Do We Share Your Data with" section of this Privacy Policy:

(3) Age limit. If you are under 18 years old, you cannot use "Xiaobo Guard" unless you have obtained the consent of your parents/guardians to this Privacy Policy (including your own consent and consent on your behalf).

(4) Your rights. The sections on "Your Rights?" in this Privacy Policy, including "Access and Correction Rights," "Delete Rights," "Denial Rights," and "Processing Limited to Storage" (which includes restrictions on the use and disclosure of personal data), also apply to users located in Mexico.

(5) You also have the right to withdraw your consent provided to us for processing personal data. To exercise your rights, please do so through【 chentianxi@bsjkj.com 】Contact us. To gain a detailed understanding of your rights and the applicable methods, procedures, and requirements for exercising them, please go to【 chentianxi@bsjkj.com 】Contact us.

13. Philippines

(1) Minimum age requirement. You must be at least 18 years old to use "Xiaobo Guard".

(2) Your rights. You have the following rights: the right to know. In specific circumstances, you have the right to know whether your personal data is being processed or has been processed, including the existence of automated decision-making and analysis. Refusal right. In specific circumstances, you have the right to refuse our processing of your personal information, including processing for direct marketing, automated processing, or analysis purposes. Access rights. In specific circumstances, you have the right to seek reasonable access to your personal information after making a request. Correction rights. In specific circumstances, you have the right to point out any errors in your personal information and request us to correct them, unless the request is unreasonable or unreasonable. Delete or block the right. In specific circumstances, you have the right to disable, revoke, or seek to block, delete, or destroy your personal information.

(3) Agree. By agreeing to this Privacy Policy, you agree to our collection and processing of your personal information in accordance with the provisions of the "How We Use Your Personal Information" section of this Privacy Policy; According to the provisions of this Privacy Policy and for the purposes stated therein, share your personal information with third parties, companies under our corporate group, and third parties acquiring all or part of us or our business; According to the sections "Who do we share your data with?" and "Where do we process your data?" in this Privacy Policy, transmit or store your personal information at a destination outside the Philippines.

14. Russia

(1) If you are using "Xiaobo Guard" in Russia: You confirm that you are over 18 years old.

(2) You agree (with respect to the Russian Federation Law No. 152-FZ of July 27, 2006 "On Personal Data" (as amended) or any alternative provisions) Handle your information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. In particular, if this involves legitimate rights and interests, service optimization, performance of contracts, or any other purpose, you agree that such consent may be considered as additional basis for processing under Russian law (i.e., the processing was carried out with your consent). You also agree to transfer your information cross-border to any country/region where we have databases or branches or service providers, especially Singapore and Hong Kong SAR.

Unless we have notified you, we will not make any significant changes to this. You can use【 chentianxi@bsjkj.com 】Contact us. Please indicate the word "Russia" in the subject line of the email.

15. South Korea

(1) Children under the age of 14 must obtain the consent of their parents/guardians (including their own consent and on behalf of their children's consent) before using "Xiaobo Guard" (regardless of the reason for use). Without the above consent, we will not intentionally collect any personal information of children under the age of 14. If you believe that we hold any personal information of children under the age of 14 without the consent of parents/guardians, please contact our data protection officer and we will immediately investigate (and delete) such personal information.

(2) Personal location information. The purpose of processing your personal location information is to provide location-based services as described in our location-based service terms and conditions. Your personal location information retention period: The minimum period required to provide location-based services to you. The reason for retaining data to verify the collection, use, and provision of location information, as well as the retention period of data: According to Article 16 (2) of the Location Information Protection and Use Law ("Location Information Law"), we will automatically record the data used to verify the collection, use, and provision of location information in the location information system, and keep this data for 6 months or more. According to Article 19 (3) of the Location Information Law, after you share your personal location information with a third party, we may need to notify you of the relevant details (i.e. who will receive the information, as well as the date, time, and purpose of sharing) through "Xiaobo Guard" or other permitted means.

(3) The rights of legal guardians of children and the methods for exercising these rights under Article 26 (1) of the Location Information Law: The legal guardians of the following individuals (hereinafter referred to as "children"):

(i) Children aged eight or below;

(ii) a person under adult guardianship; or

(iii) Individuals with mental disabilities as defined in Article 2 (2) 2 of the Disability Welfare Law are classified as severely disabled as defined in Article 2 (2) of the Disability Employment Promotion and Occupational Rehabilitation Law (limited to individuals registered as disabled under Article 32 of the Disability Welfare Law); We agree to use or provide personal location information related to children to protect their health or safety, and we will consider that the child has agreed to the use or provision of such personal location information. In order to protect the health or safety of children, legal guardians who intend to agree to use or provide personal location information of children must:【 chentianxi@bsjkj.com】Submit a written consent form to us, accompanied by proof of legal guardian. If the legal guardian agrees to use or provide personal location information for children, they can exercise all rights of the subject of personal location information.

16. Sri Lanka

(1) By clicking "Accept", you agree to the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy and allow the collection, use, and disclosure of your personal information. If you are under 18 years old, you must ensure that you have obtained the consent of your parents or legal guardians before registering for and using "Xiaobo Guard" accounts.

(2) If you request to withdraw your consent, do not wish to further process the data, or clear, correct, or improve your personal information, we will respond to your request within 21 working days.

17. Taiwan, China, China

(1) We do not intend to collect or request personal information from any child under the age of 7, nor do we intend to allow such children to register for "Xiaobo Guard". If you are under 7 years old, please do not attempt to use or register with "Xiaobo Guard", or send us any personal information about yourself. Even if users under the age of 7 use "Xiaobo Guard", they are not allowed to provide us with any personal information. If the user is located in Taiwan, China, China and is under 20 years old, he/she must obtain the consent of the parent/guardian before using "Xiaobo Guard".

(2) You may exercise the following rights as stipulated in Article 3 of the Personal Data Protection Law: (1) Access your personal information for inspection and retrieval; (2) Obtain a copy of your personal information; (3) Supplement or correct your personal information; (4) Request us to stop collecting, processing, or using your personal information; And (5) require us to delete your personal information. Within the scope permitted by law, our ability to comply with your request may be limited.

18. Thailand

(1) By clicking "Accept", you confirm that you have read, understood, and agreed to this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with this Privacy Policy, you may not use it.

(2) If you are under 20 years old, you must ensure that you have obtained the consent of your parents or legal guardians before registering and using the "Xiaobo Guard" account.

(3) Within the scope of the Personal Data Protection Act of Thailand (PDPA), you may: revoke the consent you have given us regarding the processing of your personal information (only applicable if our legal basis for processing information is consent); But please note that if consent is required to process your personal information, we may not be able to provide the expected services without consent; Request us to provide you with access to your personal information, make any corrections, cease any automatic processing or analysis (if applicable), terminate, restrict the use of personal information or provide and/or delete your personal information; Request to provide your personal information stored in machine-readable format to you or third parties; And/or file complaints with relevant authorities. If you need to make this request, please do so through【 chentianxi@bsjkj.com 】Contact us.

19. Vietnam

(1) By accepting this Privacy Policy, you expressly agree and authorize us to collect, use, store, and process your personal information, including lawful disclosure and transmission of your personal information to third parties, as described in this Privacy Policy.

(2) We have always adhered to international standards and security practices for data protection. When your personal information is transmitted within or outside your jurisdiction of residence, the receiving entity will protect it in accordance with the same or higher level of security practices and data protection that we adhere to.

(3) If we allow any third party to collect and use your personal information, we will take reasonable measures to ensure that such third party will not further disclose personal information.

(4) If you need to disclose your personal information to authorized law enforcement agencies, public institutions, or other judicial departments and organizations, we will disclose this information upon receiving a written request from such organizations.

(5) As required by the laws and regulatory regulations of your jurisdiction from time to time, we may retain your personal information (whether in whole or in part) for a period exceeding the time stated in this Privacy Policy.

(6) You have the right to access, correct, and delete the personal information we hold about you. You also have the right to withdraw your consent to the collection, storage, processing, use, and disclosure of your personal information, and have the right to request us to stop processing your personal information or provide it to third parties.

20. EU Exclusive Economic Zone

(1) By clicking "Accept", you confirm that you have read, understood, and agreed to this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with this Privacy Policy, you may not use it.

(2) This Privacy Policy applies to you located in the European Economic Area and using our services there.

(3) We usually seek your consent before collecting and processing personal data, unless we have obtained permission from the European Data Protection Act (EUDP Act) or the laws of your EU member state in any other way.

(4) If we transfer the information you generate within the EU exclusive economic zone to relevant institutions or third-party service providers outside the EU exclusive economic zone, we will transfer it based on the security protection mechanisms specified in the EU standard contract terms or the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).